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YMCA VICTORIA UNEARTH PROGRAM *Cambodia* Travel log #2 by staff

Unearth Cambodia Blog Entry Days 5-7

A week has already past since arriving in Cambodia. Little by little we're adjusting to the environment and pace of life in Cambodia.

Day 5

Cambodia YMCA School Project We ran an English class for children from the Green Village School. We also had a great time playing soccer together and doing art activities with the kids. Even though there was a language barrier between us and the kids we were able to build friendships and have a great time together. At night we danced and played games with the local people. It gave us an opportunity to forge strong connections between Cambodia, Japan and Australia.

Day 6

Street Children Project In the morning we ran an English language class for kindergarten students at Cambodia YMCA's Early Learning Center. In the afternoon we attended the Street Children Learning Center where Cambodia YMCA works to support and provide educate the street children of Tuol Sengky. We taught the children about the important of hygiene and sanitation to protect their health and also had time make "Origami" with them. Origami was really popular with the kids! We had a great time.

Day 7

Street Children Project We went to the pool with the street children we worked with on day 6. It was amazing to see the children so happy and having fun from start to finish and it helped us to forget how our own weariness. Even though there are cultural and economic differences we could deeply understand how important it is to bring a smile to the face of every child around the world.


カンボジアに来て1週間が経ちました! 少しずつですが、環境にも慣れて来て過ごしやすくなってきています!

5日目 〜カンボジアYMCAスクールプロジェクト〜 Green Village Schoolの子どもたちに英語の授業をし、一緒にサッカーやお絵かきなどをしてたくさん交流しました⚽️ 言葉が通じなくても心が通じることが多くありました! 夜には現地の方々とダンスやゲームなどをして交流の場を持ち、日本・カンボジア・オーストラリアの絆が大きく深まったのを感じました。

6日目 〜ストリートチルドレンプロジェクト〜 午前中はカンボジアYMCAのEarly Learning Centerで幼稚園の子どもたちに英語の授業をしました! 午後はカンボジアYMCAがTuol Sengkyのストリートチルドレン対象に支援をしているストリートチルドレンラーニングセンターで子どもたちに衛生教育(手の洗い方)をし、日本から持ってきた折り紙でパックンチョをみんなで作りました‼️ これが大人気で非常に盛り上がりました🤗

7日目 〜ストリートチルドレンプロジェクト〜 6日目に関わりを持った子どもたちと一緒にたくさんプールで楽しみました! 子どもたちの顔には終始笑顔が見られ、私たちも疲れを忘れて子どもたちと遊んでいました😁 置かれている環境は違っても子どもたちの笑顔は世界共通だということを感じさせられました!


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