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Outbound Internship to Singapore YMCA - Techsrun Ly's Story, Day 2

I feel a bit difference between Japan and Singapore society. Japan is so mono-cultural whereas Singapore is so multicultural. I first felt this when I got into the MRT(train) in Singapore. I was a little bit shocked when I see everyone looks so different but they are sitting very close to each other in a line in the MRT. From what I saw, I guessed there were people from India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Europe. They just simply sit there. I rarely see such a scene for my 5 years living in Japan. I also see groups of friends with mixed skin-color talking to each other as if they have no difference between them. I could hear people talking in different languages in the MRT. And the language they use is also the mix of languages. Sometimes, they mixed three languages(for example, Mandarin, Malay, English) in just one sentence. On the other hand, when I am on a train in Japan, most of the time, I hear only Japanese. From this I feel that any foreigners living in Singapore could feel that they are part of the society. Also being different and accepting the difference and living with it are what make Singaporean people Singaporean.

-At work, today I tried to find some ways to raise Uni-Y awareness by not spending too much money. I came up with the idea that a facebook frame might be good, so I started searching on how to create a facebook frame on google and youtube. After spending some time, I manage to find out where I can create a facebook frame and how to do so. Then, I looked for ways to promote the frame so people can try using it. I found out that facebook does not provide any way to directly promote frame but instead I can promote a post with a photo using that frame. I tried that method but it did not work out well, because people cannot adopt the frame smoothly. Therefore, I searched for ways to solve this problem and found a few websites offering facebook frame campaign service. However, almost all of them cost too much and only one website offer this service free. I tried the website but I again jump into a technical problem. I cannot upload the picture of the frame I created due to some resolution problem. I think I need to figure this out in order to run the facebook frame campaign.


仕事では、今日は、あまりお金かけずに、Uni-Yの認知度を上げる方法を探りました。facebook frameという方法があると気づいて、いろいろ試してみました。調べたところ、facebook frameの作り方が分かりました。そして、facebook frameを拡散する方法につても、調べました。facebook frame自体の広告はfacebookではできないと分かりました。やるとしたら、まず自分が作ったframeを写真に乗せて、そしてその写真を自分が管理しているページに乗せると、初めて広告だせるとネット記事がこう書きました。この方法でやってみましたところ、確かにこの方法ではframeがたくさんの人に見せることはできましたが、もっと多くの人にそのframeを採用して、もっと拡散させるには、不便なところがありましたので、他の方法はないかをまた調べました。

調べたところ、facebook frameの広告をやってくれるサイトはいくつかありましたが、無料でできるのは一つしかありませんでした。しかも、そこではfacebook frame写真の大きさの問題があったので、また他の方法で調べないといけません。



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