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Outbound Internship to Singapore YMCA - Techsrun Ly's Story, Day 3

During the weekend,I went to the Singapore Zoo and it was amazing. I like the giant turtle the most. I was thinking that turtles are all small and cute. But it turns out that the turtles are super big and they are not so slow. And the most funny part of it is that, one turtle seemed to be so hungry that it stretched its neck out of the fence and started eating grass non-stop. It started by eating some fresh grass and when all the fresh grass is gone, it also ate the dead leaf on the ground. It looked so funny to my friend and I that we laughed so hard about it.

Recently, I want to make an interview video and I thought the video should be one person at a time. But my teammates think that having two people in the video at the same time is good too. So I was hesitate on choosing either one. So we decided that we try both versions and see which one works better.

Then on the interview day, two new members of Uni-Y came to the Singapore YMCA office to help us with the interview video. They were quite nervous at first because it was their first time to be so in front of a professional camera. Sometimes they stood so stiff that we all laughed and they also laughed at themselves. As time pass, they started to feel more relaxed and things started to work out more smoothly. I asked them questions like, “How did you get to know Uni-Y” and ”when do you have the most fun in Uni-Y?”. When they answer these questions, I could see they are smiling from their heart which made me so happy too. Also, one of us came up with the idea that we should add the phrase “Come join Uni-Y” at the end of the video and we find it very fun and interesting so we agree on doing it. Then when those people really try to do it, some of them come up with some very funny posture that we all laughed and we do think it is a very good way to end the video.



撮影当日はシンガポールYMCAのUni-Yの新メンバー2人が来てくれました。2人はビデオ撮影が初めてなのでとても緊張していました。でも少し時間たつと慣れてきたので、だんだん上手く話せるようになりました。インタビューの時に、この団体を知ったきっかけは何ですかや、この団体に入って1番楽しかったのはどういう時でしたか等の質問を聞きました。この質問を答えるときは彼らは気づいてないかもしれませんが、彼らは笑顔になっていました。そして撮影が終わろうとしているときに1人のメンバーが意見出してくれました。ビデオの最後に「私たちと一緒に活動しましょう」(英語では:”Come Join Uni-Y”)と言って、終わるのがいいのではないかと。みんながその意見がとってもいいと思ったので。それやっていました。そしてこれを言っているときに面白いポスチャーをする人もいたので、今回の撮影は楽しく順調に終りました。


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