The Global Department was pleased to welcome Soochi Verma as its latest Global Intern. Soochi, will be assisting Global with the 2019 GYC media production.
Hello everyone,
I am Soochi Verma from India. I am a 3rd year student at Ritsumeikan University studying policy science as my major. I love writing fiction, poetry and traveling around, capturing some beautiful moments. Despite the fact that I have been living in Japan for almost 3 years and I know the country pretty well, Japan never fails to amaze me everyday with something new and different.
YMCA is a part of that amazement. Finding about YMCA`s Global Internship Program was just like a dream come true for a person like me, as this internship gives me a platform to do what I always wanted to do and to be productive while being busy.
During this internship, I would mainly like to focus on helping more and more people benefit from getting involved in YMCA Global events and programs. I want to make them as successful as I can. This goal doesn't limit to just conveying information about events, but also encouraging young people to participate actively in them. Moreover, I look forward to learning many new things during this internship, whether it be from my supervisors, co-interns or event participants. Somehow, I would also love to practice my Japanese skills if I get a chance to. T So all this makes my super excited and enthusiastic to work with Osaka YMCA Global and my super supportive team.
Thank You