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Empowering Change: My Journey with Social Enterprise and SDGs at Osaka YMCA International College 変革を促進する:大阪YMCA国際専門学校での社会的起業とSDGsに関する私の旅



I’m Aylar Ergeshova from Turkmenistan. I am currently a second-year student in the International Business Department at Osaka YMCA International College. This year, I had the privilege of participating in the Social Enterprise Class: Youth for Causes (社会的起業模擬プログラム:ユースフォーコーズ). The goal of this class is to create small, non-profit businesses that address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and meet pressing social needs.

Why is this program important?

The Social Enterprise Class allows students to broaden their understanding of social causes, SDGs, and environmental issues. This knowledge can shift our mindset from, "I’m too lazy to carry my water bottle, so I’ll just buy a plastic one every day," to "Buying plastic is harmful to the environment, so I’ll carry my water bottle because big changes start from small actions." Since joining this school, I’ve become more aware of environmental issues, plastic pollution, and social needs. I now believe that even small steps can help promote and inspire more people to take action.

My Project: No Limits

In collaboration with two other students, one from Laos and one from China, I co-founded a social enterprise called [No Limits]. Our mission is to raise awareness about orphans in Japan, provide a unique and enjoyable way for people to support these children, and promote sustainable clothing. We partner with a local orphanage, where the children create drawings that we transform into unique t-shirt designs. These t-shirts are sold, with a significant portion of the profits returning to the orphanage. The remaining funds support the next orphanage, creating a continuous cycle of assistance and inspiration for orphans across Japan.

Why did we choose this business?

Our project began when Mame-san (the member from Laos) and Cho-san (the member from China) were speaking with an elderly Japanese man at YMCA. During their conversation, the topic of orphans in Japan came up, and the man expressed surprise, saying he had never considered that there might be orphans in Japan. This moment underscored for us that, while Japanese people are generally aware that orphans exist, we felt that the topic is not widely discussed due to cultural norms and social stigma. Education and media occasionally cover the issue, but it doesn’t receive significant attention.

How well are people aware of the orphans in Japan?

People tend to keep private matters like being an orphan or involved with child welfare hidden, which makes it hard to talk openly about these issues. Many orphans live in institutional care facilities known as "jidōyōgoshisetsu" (児童養護施設), which are not well-known to the general public. Although there are efforts by the government and nonprofits to raise awareness and improve conditions, these initiatives often do not reach the broader population, keeping the issue somewhat out of public view.

Additionally, to better understand the level of awareness among potential customers, our team created a survey at our school. The results revealed that only 23% of respondents had visited an orphanage, and only 20% were knowledgeable about the existence of orphans in Japan. This data highlights the need for increased awareness about this social issue.

What have we achieved through this program?

Through this program, we’ve gained valuable insights into the SDGs, particularly:

  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being – We aim to support the mental health of orphans by collaborating with them.

  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities – We strive to make orphans feel valued and important.

  • SDG 13: Climate Action – We produce biodegradable t-shirts made from 100% cotton, and we plan to use hemp material in the future to enhance their environmental friendliness.

  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals – We collaborate with orphanages to achieve our mission.

Additionally, this project has inspired me to continue collaborating with and supporting orphanages in Japan even after graduation. It has helped me clarify my future career goals and solidify my commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of children.


Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity this social entrepreneurship project at Osaka YMCA International College has provided us to learn about the SDGs and social needs, think for ourselves, and create and implement our own business ideas. With the support and advice of experts and teachers, we have taken on this challenging and fulfilling project. Many people in their 20s and 30s, including myself, often struggle to find their passion and direction for their future careers. The Social Enterprise Class: Youth for Causes offers stimulation and inspiration, helping students discover their passions and potential career paths.






私たちの社会的企業:No Limits

私は、ラオスと中国からの二人の学生と協力して、[No Limits]という社会的企業を共同設立しました。私たちの使命は、日本の孤児についての認識を高め、人々がこれらの子どもたちを支援するためのユニークで楽しい方法を提供し、持続可能な衣料を推進することです。私たちは、地元の孤児院と提携し、子どもたちが描いた絵をユニークなTシャツデザインに変換しています。これらのTシャツを販売し、利益の大部分を孤児院に還元しています。残りの資金は次の孤児院を支援するために使用され、日本中の孤児に対する支援とインスピレーションの連鎖を生み出しています。







  • SDG 3: すべての人に健康と福祉を - 孤児たちとの協力を通じて、彼らの精神的健康を支援することを目指しています。

  • SDG 10: 人や国の不平等をなくそう - 孤児たちが価値を感じ、大切にされていると実感できるよう努めています。

  • SDG 13: 気候変動に具体的な対策を - 私たちは100%コットンの生分解性Tシャツを製造し、将来的には麻の素材を使用して環境への配慮をさらに高める計画です。

  • SDG 17: パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう - 孤児院と協力して、私たちの使命を達成するために取り組んでいます。






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