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グローバル ゲートウェイ ハブへようこそ。大阪 YMCA の広範なグローバル ネットワーク内で国際的な機会に恵まれた世界へのパスポートです。このプラットフォームを通じて、多様なサービスと豊富なリソースにアクセスできるようになり、世界規模での探索と成長が可能になります。


YMCA helps young people to better themselves, to better their communities and to better their world. It is the oldest and one of the largest youth organizations in the world. Founded in London in 1844, it has grown to reach over 65 million people a year across 120 countries.


It has deep roots in communities, decades of experience enabling young people and communities to thrive, and an extensive global network. It has nearly 90,000 staff, some 920,000 volunteers and 12,000 branches worldwide.

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